Things to know

Happy, active couple

Overcome spring fatigue with 5 simple tips

The flowers are starting to bloom, the clocks have changed to summer time, the days are getting longer, but you just can't get going. Many of us are familiar with that sluggish feeling of springtime fatigue, when our body and mind are drained of energy even though we would like to hit the ground running. Give your health a new lease of life this year.

Relaxed and balanced into the new year

Relaxed - How to implement good intentions in the long term

New year, new happiness - everyone knows them - the good resolutions at the turn of the year. Whether it's to lose a few kilos, improve your fitness, take more time to relax or generally be happier. Almost all of us take the turn of the year as an opportunity to reflect and make resolutions to improve in the new year. Like every year, we start a diet or a new activity in January with full motivation, only to have stopped again by March at the latest.

Ayurveda and infrared heat

Ayurveda is the oldest universal life and health teaching in the world. This knowledge, which is around 5,000 years old, is still relevant today and is becoming increasingly relevant, as it incorporates all basic principles, all living things and the entire complexity of the universe.

Natural infrared light in the test

In recent years, physical and mental health has increasingly become a fundamental value. This means that we are increasingly aware of the preciousness of our own health. The goal of strengthening our immune system and feeling vital and fit in the long term is becoming increasingly central to our lives. And the health trend can be found in all areas: healthy and vitamin-rich food, restful and back-friendly sleep, varied exercise sessions or an ergonomic workplace - all topics that we are increasingly concerned with. In addition to physical health, we also want to actively improve our mental and emotional well-being; we use meditation, relaxation exercises or conscious time-outs from stressful working life to achieve this.

Your Sunday walk at Physiotherm

We invite you to visit us! Take your time on 27.02.2022 or 06.03.2022, from 11:00 to 15:00, to visit one of our advice centers near you. On the so-called Show Sundays, we offer all interested parties an insight into the infrared world of Physiotherm. The concept is similar to an interactive exhibition or an open day: drop in, try out, find out, compare and take away inspiration. In our atmospheric showrooms, you can try out the infrared cabins to your heart's content, discover the mobile infrared devices and find out about the latest accessories for your own cabin at home.

Woman jogging through green park Physiotherm

Healthy through the winter and vital all year round

The question of how we can find quiet moments in our everyday lives is one that we are constantly asking ourselves - what do we need to be able to face the challenges of daily life as calmly as possible? How can we slow down the pressure that we naturally experience and find relaxation? And where is the best place to start, especially when our diaries usually look pretty full?
Finding lightness is not always easy. We often get lost in the maelstrom of many tasks and responsibilities, which means we can lose focus on the big picture. After all, a happy, relaxed life requires more than just coping with long to-do lists: according to a study by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, regular breaks in everyday life are sometimes the most important factor for effective work, stress-free living and a positive mood. So we need moments to look inwards, do things that bring us joy and gain experiences that help us to relax a little...

Lamp sitting by the lake

Seven tips for your work-life balance

The question of how we can find quiet moments in our everyday lives is one that we are constantly asking ourselves - what do we need to be able to face the challenges of daily life as calmly as possible? How can we slow down the pressure that we naturally experience and find relaxation? And where is the best place to start, especially when our diaries usually look pretty full?
Finding lightness is not always easy. We often get lost in the maelstrom of many tasks and responsibilities, which means we can lose focus on the big picture. After all, a happy, relaxed life requires more than just coping with long to-do lists: according to a study by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, regular breaks in everyday life are sometimes the most important factor for effective work, stress-free living and a positive mood. So we need moments to look inwards, do things that bring us joy and gain experiences that help us to relax a little...