Explosion in energy costs - low power consumption with Physiotherm infrared cabins

The power consumption of infrared cabins - low energy & great effect!

Rising energy and electricity prices affect us all. This makes it all the more important in the current situation to use energy-efficient products. Especially in times of increased stress, it is important to pay attention to health care and adequate relaxation. With Physiotherm products, you can enjoy, relax, support your health and reduce stress with a clear conscience, without consuming a lot of energy. An infrared cabin requires an average of 0.5 Kwh of electricity for a 30-minute session. At a kilowatt price of e.g. 0.60 euros, this corresponds to an energy price of only approx. 30 cents per treatment. The power consumption of the Physiotherm infrared cabin is less than that of a vacuum cleaner and is therefore much more relaxing.

The advantages of Physiotherm infrared cabins -
from an energy point of view


  • an ordinary 220 - 240V household socket is sufficient
  • virtually no preheating time: just switch on and enjoy
  • short application time: 30-45 minutes are enough to get the optimal effect of the infrared heat application
  • only one session per application (compared to other heat applications with 2-3 courses),
  • No idle time between applications
  • No after-running time: after the application, the booth does not need energy for cooling down or the like

If you have any questions or require detailed information on our products and energy consumption, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Physiotherm advice

We will help you choose the right infrared heat - because it's all about your HEALTH!

We will answer all your questions. Find out more about the model selection, mode of action and options in a short, non-binding consultation with our experts.