Seven tips for your work-life balance

How to take the right time out

The question of how we can find quiet moments in our everyday lives is one that we are constantly asking ourselves - what do we need to be able to face the challenges of daily life as calmly as possible? How can we slow down the pressure that we naturally experience and find relaxation? And where is the best place to start, especially when our diaries usually look pretty full?

Finding lightness is not always easy. We often get lost in the maelstrom of many tasks and responsibilities, and it's easy to lose focus on the big picture. After all, a happy, relaxed life requires more than just coping with long to-do lists. study by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health regular breaks in everyday life are sometimes the most important factor for effective work, stress-free living and a positive mood. So we need moments to look inwards, do things we enjoy and gain experiences that help us to relax a little. With every additional time-out we take, we learn more and more to focus on ourselves at regular intervals, because we know: Only with a free mind are we ready to function. And with a strong mental center, we are above all strengthened in our health, which in turn gets us through the daily madness.

If you're wondering how to do this or if the muse hasn't kissed you yet, here are seven tips on how you can consciously create your breaks:

1. la dolce farniente - the sweet idleness

Believe it or not, doing nothing can actually help you to relax! A fast-paced society challenges us in many ways, so those who regularly take a short break from the stress of everyday life can consciously slow down and start the day with renewed energy. Just lie down and do nothing - doesn't sound so bad.

2. short breaks at work

According to Techniker Krankenkasse, it is advisable to take a five-minute break after every hour. This can give you new energy to work efficiently and counteract any tiredness that may occur - without the need for coffee. How you spend your break is up to you. Examples include a short autogenic training session to relax, a short walk in the fresh air or a short chat with work colleagues.

Drinks Tea Coffee Orange

3. digital detox

According to some studies, mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops and the like keep us awake for longer in an unpleasant way due to their blue light - they are also partly responsible for nervous feelings caused by constant accessibility. Especially in the evening, it is worth consciously putting your cell phone away so that you are not available to anyone for a while and can focus fully on your own inner self.

4. read books

Books are not only good for general knowledge, they can make an immense contribution to taking time out. When we indulge in an exciting story and read, we transport our consciousness away from the everyday and into our own imagination. It's the best place to calm down and focus on other things. A nice fact on the side: reading books has been proven to increase IQ: whether fiction, science fiction or non-fiction - every book is beneficial.

5. the power of the power nap

Power naps are by no means just a short-lived trend, because a well-crafted nap can be worth its weight in gold! Researchers at the University of Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cité found that not only does tiredness become a foreign word, but it is also associated with lower stress levels. The ideal time for this is ten to 20 minutes. Even if you find it difficult to fall asleep at first, switching off and preparing for sleep helps you to feel regenerated.

Woman sleeping on couch Physiotherm

6. food makes you happy!

It's nothing new that food makes us feel good, but did you know that certain foods relax us physically due to their nutrients? Bananas, for example, contain important B vitamins, magnesium and potassium, which have been proven to benefit the nervous system. Mix the delicious fruit into your morning oatmeal; the vitamins B1 and B3 it contains contribute to a healthy energy metabolism. The grain also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which causes our body to produce serotonin, the well-known happiness hormone. Delicious!

7. a round of sport in the morning...

...dispels sorrow and worries! As hard as we sometimes find it to set the alarm a little earlier, we know how good we feel after a round of early morning exercise. Our brain does have some resources at its disposal, but not in excess: during exercise (whatever its quality and intensity), brain activity is shifted from the prefrontal cortex to the motor cortex, which controls our movements. This shift in resources automatically reduces stress, which has a positive effect on our mood. Makes you want to go for a little run, doesn't it?

Hopefully this small list can serve as a source of inspiration for more. Whatever you decide and whatever you can integrate into your individual circumstances, the message at the end is: don't forget yourself and create occasional quiet moments of relaxation - for yourself.